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What skin types is Serumiva for?All skin types can benefit from Serumiva
What time of day should I apply Serumiva?You can apply once before bedtime or twice per day in the morning or evening.
Can I apply makeup on after Serumiva?Ideally Serumiva would be applied by itself, but we understand that sometimes you have to put makeup on after. It’s okay to do this.
I have really oily skin, can I use Serumiva?"Yes, absolutely.
Are there any animal based components of Serumiva?No, Serumiva is 100% herbal extracts.
Where is Serumiva made?We manufacture in a high end medical facility in Czech Republic, EU.
Can I use Serumiva if I am pregnant or on my menstrual cycle?Yes, there are no issues with pregnancy or menstrual cycle.
Can I keep Serumiva on the shelf or must I store in in the refridgerator?You can store in any room at room temperature, just keep away from direct sunlight.
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